We are a family of 3 from Portland, Oregon. We sold our house, quit our good jobs, and left Portland November 1, 2012 to travel around-the-world for the next two years while homeschooling our daughter.
Why would we do something like that?
While growing up we were told that the road to happiness is to go to college, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have children, and save for retirement. Well, we have done all of that, and yet, our life still does not feel complete. We yearn to do something amazing during our lifetime and to give our daughter the best childhood that we can. The problem; we are working 40+ hour weeks and only seeing our daughter for an hour in the morning, two hours in the evening, and on weekends. Not nearly enough time to do anything amazing, nor spend the quality time that a parent should spend with their child. Something needs to change!
So, what should we do?
We realized that we need to take a sabbatical. Taking a break in our careers is the only way that we can set off to see the world, spend quality family time together, and to do something “amazing.” We considered sailing around the world, sailing around the Caribbean, barging through France, moving to another country, and finally decided to just become tourists. Our plan is to head eastward, circling the globe, and see all of the amazing places that we have only heard about. These two years traveling with our daughter will hopefully be the spark that will ignite an adventurous spirit in the generations to come. Someday, we hope to hear our great-grandchildren telling us of their own travel adventures.
When will we leave?
We left Portland, Oregon on November 1, 2012 and will travel as long as possible.
Our Route
To see our planned route and itinerary, CLICK HERE
This is awesome! What a neat way to keep us updated. For the record, I never thought you guys were crazy :). I’m excited for your journey!
Thank you Liz for not thinking we are crazy. Hopefully you guys can come visit us somewhere in the world during our travels.
I saw you on thorntree and had to have a look at your website. GO FOR IT! I would add that seeing certain parts of Africa, besides Morocco, could be really exciting for your kid. Kenya is very tourist friendly and going on safari would be a highlight for any child of that age. Also Uganda is beautiful, cheap, and super friendly (not the hassle of other African countries). There are lakes, gorillas, waterfalls, rafting the Nile (probably not with a 5 year old though!), islands in Lake Victoria, chimp sanctuaries, and many other things to do there. You could easily spend very little and see a great slice of Africa off the beaten track (although a fair share of backpackers make thier way here). I think it is great you take your child with you. I recently got married to an amazing African man who loves to travel too. We are working on his greencard but it may take a while. The other option is to just do it with his Togo passport (visiting just Asia/S America/Central America). However my husband has the most insane biological clock ever and wants to have a baby NOW! It will admittedly take at least a year before I can even think about it (birth control issues) but ultimatley it will happen. I am wondering on your opinon of traveling around the world with a very young baby (under 2 years)? I am keen to do it if the baby is younger as they could still sit on our lap in the airplanes. Is this advisable or just plain crazy?! Sorry, this is more of a Thorn Tree post but I did LOVE this blog and am interested to see where you get to! Have a great time and keep on truckin’!
Hi Jess. Thanks for the comment. We have considered exploring more of Africa, other than Morocco and Egypt, but we do not know enough about the rest of Africa to plan on going to other countries there. It is a big continent with a lot of political unrest in some areas, so it is hard to plan without knowing how conditions will be until we are ready to go. We are not ruling it out, just unsure. We have also heard that most safaris will not allow small children, and they can be kind of expensive. But, you never know. As for travelling with a child under 2. It all depends on the child. Sydney traveled really well, but we have seen others that did not enjoy the experience. The biggest hassle is how much extra stuff you need to bring with you. A portable crib is a must. Many places are not child proofed, and a portable crib is great for “containment” while you are sleeping. We also traveled with a car seat and small stroller which can be a real pain, but necessary in some places. People often thought we were crazy for traveling with such a young child, but under 2 is the perfect time to go. Free airfare and you get to board the plane early! Once they turn 2, airfare is the same as an adult.
We will be doing something similar in 2011. We are planning to sell it all and take a year and live in Indonesia. It will be my wife and I and our 2 sons. We also plan on doing some travel around SE Asia. So I don’t think you are crazy at all. Think you’ll make a stop in Indonesia?
Hi Matt,
As for traveling in Indonesia, we are not sure. We have discussed it, but have not decided either way. After hitting SE Asia we are heading in the direction of Australia, but we might stop in Indonesia, as it is along the way. We are trying to keep everything flexible and adapt as we travel. We don’t know much about Indonesia, other than it has great surfing, but if someone recommends a great places(s), we might go there. I look forward to reading about your travels with your family and maybe your travels will convince us to go there.
Hey Jason and Family. Exciting adventure you have got going here. I haven’t read back through all the blog posts, so I am not exactly sure where you are in the process, but 2012 is just around the corner. Hope all is going well. My family and I live in Istanbul so if you head this way, let us know and we’ll do our best to show you around a bit. Great city. Amazing country. The places we know least about always surprise us. Anyway, good luck with everything and keep inspiring people.
Hi Aaron,
We are currently in the process of getting rid of everything we don’t need right now and getting our house in order to put on the market in the Spring. It’s hard work trying to get rid of everything you own! We are really looking forward to the day we make it to Turkey. I have heard nothing but great things from people who have visited there.
We love following families who travel together!
We’re just starting to thing about doing something like this for a year. When are you leaving and have you planned what countries you are going to?
Hi Danielle,
We are planning to place our house up for sale in May of next year and as long as it sells, we plan to leave in early Fall. Our first stop will be France, and then Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Ireland, England, Germany, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon (maybe), Israel, Egypt, India, UAE (maybe), Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam (maybe), Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific, and then who knows. We may add or omit places depending on finances or political upheavals. We are getting really excited and can’t wait to start our adventure.
If you do decide to go travel for a year, keep in touch. I would love to hear about your travels.
Wow, how great is THAT?! Not many kids remember certain days or lessons in school, but your daughter will never forget all the fantastic sights of a 2 year adventure! Even I, as an adult, would be super stoked over that; that’s awesome what she’ll learn from that, and how much closer you all will become! Too many parents just don’t realize that time with their child is so much more important than living in a certain area, or wearing certain clothes. Do keep us updated!
Hey Guys –
I just found your blog through a mutual connection on Facebook. My family and I departed Cincinnati, OH in December for a year RTW. We totally understand the urge to take the leap and all of the logistics that go along with it. We are LOVING our trip!! We would be happy to share with you how some of our destinations were. We are currently in Ayvalik, Turkey and LOVE it here! We have a perfect place for you to stay. There are cats on premise,….the owner is an American who lives here,…she is wonderful. We have gotten to know some of the locals and ended up extending our time from 1 week to two.
Our 12 year old daughter is going to a local restaurant today where the woman is going to teach her how to make tomato soup. Our son made the choice to hangout at our landlord’s business today that uses recycled materials to make cool things while also employing women.
For home schooling, check out Khan Academy if you haven’t already. Great online math and science as long as you have wifi. Australia is uber expensive just fyi. We stayed there about 38 days but it was incredibly hard on the budget. We made up for it in Indochina a bit.
Bon voyage!! Stay in touch ~ Annie
We are having a great adventure. You will never regret it!!
This is soo inspirational. My husband and I have also discussed living in another country or something, but it seems so overwhelming. Reading about your plans is inspirational and I hope it might encourage us to do something similar. Working the M-F, 40 hour work week just seems so mundane after awhile…like we’re not really living anymore. Doing something amazing with your life, like you all are doing, really makes it seem like you’re making the most of your life. Best of luck and I look forward to following your plans and travels. –Jen
Hi, I’m new to your blog but I like what I’m reading. I also found your daughter’s blog and left a comment for her. What a great teaching tool; having her write a blog. My husband and I own a B&B in Ashland, OR. When the time comes for us to retire (in the somewhat near future) we plan to travel extensively. I follow Kim & Brian (So Many Places) and we just shared a contest on our FB pages. I write a blog for our inn at http://www.OnTheRoadToAbigails.com and I’m in the early stages of setting up our travel blog. I look forward to following your adventures and learning from your travel tips.
Best ~
Thanks Patti. Once you setup your travel blog let us know the url and we will follow your travels, too. I saw your B&B contest on Kim and Brian’s blog and it looks like a really nice place to stay.
Hi Jason ~
I launched our travel blog today. I’ll also post a link on your FB page. Also, we are actually thinking of going to Paris in January. I was curious how you found the apartment you rented? So excited for you, I love your count down clock. Once you start traveling can you change it to count the # of days you’re traveling? That would be so cool!
Safe Travels ~
I am reading around about different families traveling and I just stumbled upon your blog. We are planning to take off in August of 2013 with our two kids and your reasons for leaving are exactly how we feel. I am so excited to read about your journey and am looking forward to ours. Maybe we will meet up on the road somewhere.
Hi Melissa,
It is great to hear of another family deciding to travel long term. We think it is the best education kids can get and it really is a trip of a lifetime. We are in the process of selling everything right now and will be leaving in less than 2 months. In fact, as of tonight we no longer have anywhere to sit in our house. We are starting to freak out, but it is so worth it!!!! Keep in touch.
Wow! Jason, I had no idea that you guys did this. This is truly inspirational — especially for right now — what with: so many people out of work, the concept of The American Dream mutating, and the school system being an absolute mess. I really do agree with your sentiments, because I know that’s not really what would make me happy, when I start a family in years to come. There’s more to life than monotony! Your daughter will appreciate you more than she knows right now, when she grows up and sees what alternative period in her life would have been otherwise. Bravo!
This is such an inspiration. I recently got married and have been feeling the tic-toc of the baby clock thinking that my time is running out to travel because once we have kids, it will be different. Last year my husband and I did 20 trips. This year, we’re planning to do more. But doing it continuous and as a family is not quit the same. Your story gives me inspiration than maybe in 10 years, our little family can do a very similar trip. Happy travels to you three!
Hi Jason — I thought of you today in particular, because it was the State of the City — and I was remembering your great photos, beautiful power points and wonderful artistry. I missed that today … and you. But I love this way of keeping in touch! Sydney’s Corner is such fun, and I’m travelling vicariously with you in each place. Rosas and Granada are favorites of ours in Spain. Love the Eye of Sydney! Keep on enjoying!
big decision, but what a great journey! It’s great to have you guys here in Bantry, West Cork. Sydney is my girlfriend, the girl I never had, she is brilliant! Susan x
It has been great being here with you all! You have helped make Ireland feel like home. We will miss you all and hope to return someday.
I have been loosely planning to do this with my daughter (though I was thinking one year not two) when she turns 12. I’m excited to keep up with your adventures and learn along the way.
Lovely blog, guys! Thanks for connecting with us on Twitter! Keep up the great work and travel safe! Oh… and all the best in the New Year! 🙂
Go for it ! Too green with envy to type anything else ! LOL