After nearly 13 happy years of marriage, my wife is leaving me. After traveling halfway around the world on the trip of a lifetime she has decided that she will be leaving our 8-year old daughter and myself to go join an older man. We will miss her dearly, but we are also excited for her.
And before you drama queens get all excited and start jumping to conclusions, Kerri will be meeting up with her father in July to go on a 13-day hike in Switzerland.
We had to alter our schedule a bit, but it will actually work out for the better. We are now planning to spend a week in Amsterdam in early June followed by a week in Berlin, a week in Prague, and then 6 weeks in Italy.
While in Italy, Kerri will hop on a train in late July and head to Switzerland leaving Sydney and I to fend for ourselves for 2 weeks. Hopefully we can find a nice Italian villa close to the beach so Sydney and I can enjoy the Italian beach life. I already have the Ray-Ban sunglasses, but maybe I should start shopping for a Speedo now so I don’t stand out. Board shorts scream “tourist!”
During the hike, Kerri and her father will circumnavigate Mont Blanc, one of Europe’s highest peaks. This hike is hailed as one of the world’s most classic hikes with awe-inspiring views and border crossings on foot. They will trek for nearly 100 miles over 13 days at an altitude ranging from 6000 to 9000 feet above sea level.
Kerri has already started training by walking up and down the 14 flights of stairs at our apartment building. And get this; she barely breaks a sweat doing it. After 3 months of walking everywhere and going up and down lots of stairs, we are in excellent shape!
Hopefully, Kerri will be able to update everyone about hiking the Swiss Alps. We would love to be there with her, but we will be busy blogging about the Italian Beach life!
It’s going to be awesome! I want to do it!!! Have fun with your Dad Kerri.
Speedo screams OMG! don’t do it! What a great adventure for you Kerri while some quality father/daughter is going on at the beach.