Travel Junkies

Sydney’s Corner: All About Stonehenge

I got to go to Stonehenge. It was cool. You cannot get close to the rocks. I liked the video (below) better, but it was still cool.

Have you ever wondered about Stonehenge?  Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious monuments in the world. Scientists are not sure why they built Stonehenge, but they believe it was a burial ground or a calendar.  Let’s seek out the truth of Stonehenge.

There was a ditch around Stonehenge with 2 entrances that lined up with the summer and winter solstices. It must have been hard digging the ditch with only deer antlers, which is what they used for digging. They used stone axes to cut down trees to help setup the stones. To shape the stones they used a plane old stone and rubbed it against the stones. It sounds like it was hard work.

Stonehenge is located in southern England. It was built about 5000 years ago, between 3100 – 2000 B.C., which was way before the Romans! You may think why should I go to Stonehenge it’s just a pile of rocks?  But it’s more than that.  It is not just a pile of rocks.  It has archways that line up the summer and winter solstices.

The rocks came from 200 to 250 miles away and they had to drag them the whole way.  Why didn’t they use horses?  They ate the horses. They hunted horses for meat.

Scientists believe that Stonehenge was a calendar or a burial ground.  It took 18 years to build.  I wouldn’t build Stonehenge just so it was a burial ground or calendar, I would build it for both reasons

Facts about Stonehenge


Video: National Geographic Stonehenge Decoded

Photos (click for larger images)

Now you know everything about Stonehenge. The most mysterious monument ever made by humans.

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