Travel Junkies

About Us

P1010938We are a family of 3 from Portland, Oregon. We sold our house, quit our good jobs, and left Portland November 1, 2012 to travel around-the-world for the next two years while homeschooling our  daughter.

Why would we do something like that?

While growing up we were told that the road to happiness is to go to college, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have children, and save for retirement. Well, we have done all of that, and yet, our life still does not feel complete. We yearn to do something amazing during our lifetime and to give our daughter the best childhood that we can. The problem; we are working 40+ hour weeks and only seeing our daughter for an hour in the morning, two hours in the evening, and on weekends. Not nearly enough time to do anything amazing, nor spend the quality time that a parent should spend with their child. Something needs to change!

So, what should we do?

We realized that we need to take a sabbatical. Taking a break in our careers is the only way that we can set off to see the world, spend quality family time together, and to do something “amazing.” We considered sailing around the world, sailing around the Caribbean, barging through France, moving to another country, and finally decided to just become  tourists. Our plan is to head eastward, circling the globe, and see all of the amazing places that we have only heard about. These two years traveling with our daughter will hopefully be the spark that will ignite an adventurous spirit in the generations to come. Someday, we hope to hear our great-grandchildren telling us of their own travel adventures.

When will we leave?

We left Portland, Oregon on November 1, 2012 and will travel as long as possible.

Our Route

To see our planned route and itinerary, CLICK HERE


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