Travel Junkies

Sydney’s Corner: Koalas and the Koala Hospital


This blog will be about koalas. First we need to talk about the Koala Hospital. The Koala Hospital is located in Port Macquarie, Australia. They are the only sanctuary that just focuses on koalas. The Koala Hospital rescues injured koalas from around Australia and tries to release them back into the wild. The Koala Hospital currently has 4 joeys which were going to be released a week after our visit.   A joey is what you call a baby koala. The Koala Hospital was established in 1973.

The Koala Hospital

The Koala Hospital Treatment Room

Feeding the koala extra nutrients to help her recover

Sleeping juvenile koala

At the Koala Hospital, they had a rare albino koala called Mickey who got released in a secret place. They had 24-hour security for the albino when he was at the Koala Hospital. They currently have a koala named Barry. Barry has a curved spine, so it is hard for him to climb trees. So that means he can’t be released in the wild. You can buy the stuffed animal Barry. People have taken pictures of Barry around the world and sent photos to the Koala Hospital. Barry has been to the Pyramids of Giza and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.   I really liked seeing the Koala Hospital.

Barry enjoying a hamburger in Port Macquarie

Koalas are found on the west cost of Australia. The koalas are on the edge of being endangered. In about 100 years koalas could be extinct. Koalas are dying out because of lost of habitat. Out of 600 types of eucalyptus trees koalas only eat 6 or 8 types of eucalyptus trees. Koalas do make sounds. It sounds like a mix of a bark and a huge belch. Only males make this noise. The sound is used as a mating call to impress the females and to tell the other male koalas to stay back from his territory. The females make horrible screeching sounds. Koalas do not really drink water. They get most of there water from eucalyptus leaves. If you see a koala drinking water it means it is sick and you should call some one for help who knows how to handle sick koalas.




Facts about Koalas

What you can do to help the Koalas

Now you know all about Koalas and how to help them.


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